Monday, April 28, 2014

Finishing Dakota's Task In Farmer's Almanac

I'm about to finish all the goals from Dakota in Farmer's almanac. I only need 1 butter in order to finish the goal. A butter requires 3 cow's milk. So I have to get cow's milk to produce a butter.

Finally, all goals from Dakota was done. I get experience from it and will soon level up to 14. I'm getting excited to unlock another things in the store.

Dakota gave me another set of task to do. This time I'm going to need a bass fish. I wonder if they can catch it this time so I have to cook biscuit and farmer's soup for Dakota to be able to catch fish in the pond.

I checked in the pond if they will be able to catch bass. Unfortunately, the chance of having a bass is low. So I need to other other task first. I'm getting excited to catch a bass and then cook the required dish for Dakota.

For the mean time, I have to make two strawberry milk and 1 strawberry sundae. 

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